
Reasons to Quit Smoking

Almost 5 months and I'm still nicotine free!

My list of things I don't miss when I quit smoking Dec. 5, 2008

I don't miss.....

1. Ashtray taste in my mouth
2. Bad breath
3. Cravings (addiction controlling me) & coughing up stuff you don't want to see coming out of another human being.
4. Dehydration
5. Elevated bloodpressure
6. Fewer chances of getting cancer or other health issues
7. Going outside in winter for a smoke
8. Headaches
9. Insomnia
10. January resolutions to try again
11. Killing myself slowly with every puff
12. Lungs that hurt when I exercise
13. Money wasted on the cost to inhale a burning, toxic "cancer stick"
14. Nausea
15. Only hanging out with other friends who also are chained to a butt
16. Polluting the air with second-hand smoke
17. Quitting continually -- withdrawal -- buying 'the patch' or 'the gum'
18. Run-down feeling with no energy
19. Stinking like crap
20. Under the weather with weakened immune system
21. Very often irritable especially if I don't have a smoke.
22. Waking up and dragging myself out of bed to have that first drag in the morning with coffee.
23. X-Y-Z (beginning letters of chemicals I'm sure are in cigarettes)


Creative Char said...

Update: I fell back into the trap and the lid slammed shut. Its so frustrating because I can't help thinking how far I would have been if I hadn't started again. It would have been exactly one year ago that I quit smoking on Dec 5th BUT I fell hard this summer and started again!!! Each time I am successful and then fail, it seems just so extremely hard to succeed again in give up the nicotine. I need help!!!

Creative Char said...

March 23, 2010....over the weekend God told me to fast to break the chain of nicotine addiction. Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time.

I knew that God would show me the details I would need to do this fast. I found this website http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Best-Way-to-Quit-Smoking:-Fasting-to-Quit&id=18472

For 2 weeks, while my assistant is away (only because we smoke together), I am going to reach for freedom from nicotine.

I know God will help me if I am willing to help myself.
