
Scrapbooking makes me smile!

I love to work with my photographs. Doesn't matter whether they are ones I've taken myself or if they are collected over the years. Doesn't matter whether they are of me, my family or friends, landscapes, my travels, my home...I love capturing memories.

Lately I discovered a new way of scrapbooking that if you ever catch on to it you will be hooked. It is so easy too. This is photo journaling online. Let the professionals bind it into an acid free photo book that will keep forever. No muss, no fuss, no worries as they should all be acid free (read the details before you buy). If you want to embellish it after you get it printed you can but you probably won't want to. I added a few special lines to stand out on a few pages.

You can have these done online through Wal-mart, Costco, Kodak Easy Share Gallery and many other online photo companies out there. Those three are the safest because you can also order prints online and all your photos are stored online but Wal-mart and Costco are limited in styles and options. Kodak is the best so far but they don't have a Canadian version so the cost is U.S. dollars.

The other choices are programs that give you a lot more flexibility but you have to download their programs and your photos remain on your computer and on their program. Each have their own unusual limitations. You just have to explore your options by trial and error to find out which ones work best for you. Picaboo is a U.S. company has the best options I've found but again, different limitations compared to PhotoInPress.ca, which is Canadian. There are a lot of them out there. I've found online photo book offers in almost every state from Tennesee to California. Finding them in Canada is harder.

My first one was created as an elegant, red, hardcover photobook, of our backyard barbecue party. It was an amazing night with friends and captured by a photographer. I took the photos and uploaded them onto Wal-mart site. Chose the book and wrote my story. It was well worth it!

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