

March 2009

My husband and I went to a movie the other night. It was a secular movie about the end times. I hope that you are open minded while knowing what you believe in. I hope you can recognize that God can use anything or anyone to accomplish his purpose. In this last hour, this last final push, we will probably see a lot of unusual ‘tools’ God will use. Anyway, my husband and I went to see this movie, “Knowing” starring Nicholas Cage. It is a gripping action-thriller science-fiction movie of global proportions about a professor who stumbles on terrifying predictions about the future and sets out to prevent them from coming true. He has experienced a loss of large magnitude in his life and is estranged from his father, a minister, so therefore the professor (Nicholas Cage) is angry at God and no longer believes in God now believing everything is coincidence.

Warning! This synopsis contains spoilers: In 1959, as part of the dedication ceremony for a new elementary school, a group of students is asked to draw pictures to be stored in a time capsule. But one mysterious girl fills her sheet of paper with rows of apparently random numbers instead.

Fifty years later, a new generation of students examines the capsules contents and the girls cryptic message ends up in the hands of young CALEB MYLES. But it is Calebs father, professor TED MYLES (Nicolas Cage), who makes the startling discovery that the encoded message predicts with pinpoint accuracy the dates, death tolls and coordinates of every major disaster of the past 50 years. As Ted further unravels the documents chilling secrets, he realizes the document foretells three additional events the last of which hints at destruction on a global scale and seems to somehow involve Ted and his son. When Ted’s attempts to alert the authorities fall on deaf ears, he takes it upon himself to try to prevent more destruction from taking place.

With the reluctant help of DIANA WHELAN and ABBY, the daughter and granddaughter of the now-deceased author of the prophecies, Ted’s increasingly desperate efforts take him on a heart-pounding race against time until he finds himself facing the ultimate disaster and the ultimate sacrifice.
I find it interesting that at the end of the movie, the events cannot be stopped but the people still have the freedom of will to choose what they will believe and most of them do not have time or the ability to save themselves.

One could argue the controversy about the other beings involved in this movie. Were they aliens or angels. The movie leaves you wondering throughout but if you are a follower of Christ and are tuned into the signs of the times, you can see that this movie could be used to open a discussion about the real destruction of earth and mankind as we know it and about the “escape from earth” or rapture.

In fact, at the end of the movie I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and went to stand at the exit so I could be the first one out as soon as the movie was over. There were 3 young people standing there ready to do a fast clean up as soon as the theater was empty. They knew the movie was almost over as well and were in position. So I took opportunity to talk to them for a minute. I witnessed to them that though this was just a movie it was very symbolic of what is coming! They asked a couple of questions and I went on to say that Jesus is returning for those who believe. Those who do not believe in him will be left behind to their own destruction. I told them they should be open minded and search into for themselves but Jesus Christ is returning for those who believe in him. That was the closest opportunity to open a door for God to work and I had to leave it with him.

The other day I followed the opportunity to share the gospel with a friend of mine at work. God moves in mysterious ways. I will say this, after the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ and how to be saved, another opportunity came. It was the opportunity for offense. I got my feelings slightly hurt ….there was also days of confusion and mental oppression, fogginess and fear set in to claim my mind. I prayed for clarity and asked God to heal me. I was afraid but trusted in God. He came through for me. I chose to forgive the offense and prayed for our relationship. I knew that the enemy of God did not want this young woman to see Jesus in me and that the devil wanted to create a rift between us. I knew that this could not happen. I went to work and faced the situation although I was afraid, it worked out and our relationship is better than ever. I know it will be only a matter of time before she will know Him.

Previously before that I felt the opportunity to share the gospel with another co-worker. I missed the opportunity to share it with a woman that God had me praying for. It came and went, I froze, afraid of rejection, I didn’t do it. Since then my brother and sister-in-law died, I don’t know if they were believers. I know that my mother’s cousin, a Baptist minister, led my brother to the Lord before my brother was sent to prison. I sent letters. I stood by him and continued praying for him but in the end, I just don’t know because I never acted on opportunity to say anything.

Now that time is short and I know He is coming I am more serious about speaking up than ever before. I truly believe that I won’t have to worry about growing old. I believe that I will see the Lord soon enough. Whether that is true or not, I have suddenly found enthusiasm and hope to witness again. I know there was a time that I fell away from sharing my testimony because I grew weary. Like the Bible says, we will reap if we do not grow weary in well doing. Every branch that bears fruit I prune. He refuses to leave us the way we are. God I don’t want to miss out on what you have for me. God says do not lean on your own understanding. God is shaking everything that can be shaken. We don’t have time to waste.

I want fruitfulness that will overcome the world. Don’t waste time, energy or money on anything that doesn’t advance toward building the Kingdom of God.

God will finish the work that he began.

In the movie, Knowing, there is a line said by Nicholas Cage that eludes to the end times regarding world disasters, “I know how this sounds, but I’ve mapped these numbers to the dates of every major global disaster from the last 50 years in perfect sequence. Earthquakes, fires, Tsunamis…The next number on the chain predicts that tomorrow, somewhere on this planet, 81 people are going to die in some kind of tragedy.”

The response from his unbelieving friend is also very symbolic of many end times unbelievers…see if this sounds familiar, “Whoa. Just step back. Have another look at it! Systems that find meaning in numbers are a dime in dozen. Why? Because people see what they want to see.”

So basically, you can have all the proof , the character and expertise on the subject but if it is not something they want to hear or that is not conceivable their first response will be unbelief. They simply cannot understand it with their own mind and therefore choose not to believe it.

God has been speaking two subjects from the Bible to me lately.

One is the book of Esther and the courage it took for her to face her fear and be willing to suffer the consequences for what she believed in for the good of others.

The other is about being a watchman for the house of God, warning people before it is too late. Last night I had a dream that I was walking on air high above the ground. I was able to see lot more from this vantage point. I could see what others did not want to see or did not even know was coming. As the dream developed I heard in my spirit in my sleep “watchmen on the wall”…then I could see myself walking along the wall….positioned to watch and declare to those inside the fort if danger was coming.

How do I not know that I was set to be a watchman on the wall (see this website too http://www.watchman.ca) for such a time as this. (Esther and Ezekiel combined). All I know is there must be a way to blow the trumpet and get others too listen. Save as many as you can. The time is short. Leave what is behind and press forward, no time for sorrow, no time for fear, no time to worry, no time to hide, no time to play, be about the Father’s work before it is too late. That is what I feel going on inside me.

Most importantly PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. And read the Word.

Ezekiel 3:17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman to the house of Israel. Therefore hear the Word of my mouth, and give them warning from Me.” "....you do not warn him or speak out to dissuade him from his evil ways in order to save his life, that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 3:18

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knowing The Movie - Dr. L. A. Marzulli - www.lamarzulli.net

This movie is blatantly anti-Christian. It is an attempt to condition the masses that extraterrestrials were the god of the Bible. It is, in short the Alien Gospel and is a prelude to the Coming Great Deception! Wake up!

I saw Knowing on Saturday. I was stunned. The movie is a direct, frontal assault on Christian beliefs. It is the Alien Gospel - a term I use and have blogged about incessantly - with all of its deception, displayed with every technical marvel, on the silver screen. It’s being shown in a theater near you and people are being conditioned to believe the lie! Here’s why.

The gist of the story is this. Encoded on a single sheet of paper, is line after line of numbers. This was written by a ‘disturbed’ fourth grade girl and tucked away in a time capsule for fifty years. At first it appears that this is a just a random sequence of numbers, but as the time capsule is unearthed, and the movie progresses, we see that the numbers are, in fact, the dates and places where tragedy has stricken, in one form or another, in some horrific disaster. Nicholas Cage’s character, Professor Koestler, is able to put all of this together, and it is he, that realizes that there are dates of disasters that haven’t yet happened. He realizes that these numbers, prophecy the events that have already taken place, and this sets him on a quest to stop the next ‘prophecy’ from happening.

Without giving away the movie away, as the story unfolds we see mysterious men who appear to Koestler’s son and communicate with him telepathically. These men are also able to walk through walls. We also learn that the little fourth grader who wrote the series of numbers, 50 years ago, heard whispering voices in her head that continued throughout her tragic, short-lived life. Koestler’s son also begins to hear the voices. The quest to stop the disasters leads Koestler to an abandoned trailer out in the boonies where we see - brace yourself - the faded picture of Ezekiel’s vision, of a wheel within a wheel, hung on one of the walls. At the end of the movie we see these men who have appeared to Koestler and his son, change their appearance and reveal their true form, that of angels, complete with wings. When their huge ship appears, Koestler falls to his knees, as he is OVERWHELMED - there’s that word again - by what he sees. I don’t want to give any more of the movie away so I’ll stop here.

So let’s strip this down and expose the truth. The Bible is supposed to be unique among all other books on the planet. So what is the one element of the Bible, which sets it apart from any other religious work? I actually asked this of several people who know the Bible fairly well. They all looked at me with the deer-caught-in-the-headlights, look!

The answer is this. What separates the Bible from any other book in the world is the unique, dynamic, of prophecy, the ability to accurately predict the future. It has been proven over and over, that Bible prophecy is 100% accurate in it’s predictions. I would venture to say that the only being who can do this is, the God of the Bible. While there are those who imitate this, such as Nostradamus, and others of his ilk, no other book on the planet has this unique characteristic. Here’s what a passage from Isaiah says:

Isaiah 46:9-11 (New International Version)
9 Remember the former things, those of long ago;
I am God, and there is no other; 

I am God, and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the beginning,
From ancient times, what is still to come?
I say: My purpose will stand,
And I will do all that I please.
11 From the east I summon a bird of prey; 

From a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.
What I have said, that will I bring about;
What I have planned, that will I do.

True prophecy is the ability to call out future events before they happen. In my opinion, only the God of the Bible is able to do this. Others imitate this, but where is their record of 100% accurate fulfillment? It’s not there, as they cannot see the future. Thus this separates the Bible from all other so-called ‘holy’ books.

What is very disturbing about the film is that it promulgates Erich Von Daniken’s ideology that is found in his book, Chariots of the God’s.. Von Daniken believes that Aliens from other planets interacted with primitive man and are responsible for many of the megalithic structures that we see all over our planet. By the way the History channel recently aired a two-hour special entitled Ancient Aliens, which featured Von Daniken’s work. You think there’s a connection here? I do.

What the movie, Knowing says is this, that Ezekiel’s vision was nothing more than an Extraterrestrial visitation. That E.T. appeared to Ezekiel and gave him the ‘prophecy’, and that the god that Ezekiel worshipped was in fact, E.T. The wheel within a wheel, that Ezekiel describes to us, was a space ship and the beings that appeared to him were aliens, who in fact SEEDED US HERE ON EARTH!

Let me close by saying this. In a nutshell the movie tells us that:

1. Aliens, not the God of the Bible, gave us prophecy through the millennia.
2. That the prophecies of Ezekiel and the visions that he wrote down were, in fact, attributed to extraterrestrials and their spacecraft.
3. That these aliens were mistaken for our gods.
4. They are interacting with us now because we are at a precipitous juncture in our evolution.
5. That the Bible is nothing more than encounters with these beings, therefore Christianity is nothing more than a fable.