

I spent many years hiding from my problems, avoiding confrontations with people and pushing my feelings down with food and other addictions but God in his mercy gave me the grace to work through many of these issues.

I can boast in the Lord and what he has helped me to face in my life. These are some of the things I have learned:

1. Relationships you care about require communication and effort. You might have to confront a misunderstanding or a problem. This may involve unpleasant conversations you would normally avoid but if the relationship is of value to you then you will deal with it. Unlike the famous movie line in the 1970 movie Love Story "love means never having to say your sorry", you will probably have to humble yourself and say you're sorry, admit when you're wrong or the possibility that you could be wrong. Pride is a blockage to the heart of healthy relationships.

2. Relationships are like living things. They require nurturing care. They take time to grow and develop. They need selfless sacrifice at times. They are fed by communication and watered by listening hearts. If you aren't willing to do any of these things you won't have success in your relationships.

Imagine you have a relationship of value. Imagine you are unwilling to listen to that person, unwilling to communicate or share yourself. Imagine you expect the relationship to come built in with trust, respect and loving devotion. Imagine you won't give up anything personal or contribute to the relationship but instead expect the other person to give to you and you are eager to take what is offered. How long do you think this relationship will last? Some people settle for bad relationships but most people do not and sooner or later somebody will want out.

The most important relationship is the one you have with your Creator. He loved you before you knew him and gave something of value as a gift of sacrifice. He gave his sons's life for you and for me. Jesus gave up his life willingly. No greater love than to lay down your own life for your friends.

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