by Charlotte
If I have learned one thing in life about relationships with people, it is to accept people just exactly as they are and appreciate them for who they are.
If something about someone bothers me so very much, I have to sit down with myself and decide whether or not it is important enough to discuss it with them to help our relationship be a better one.
The only other option, and sometimes the best one, is to accept that person as they are and live with their faults & flaws. Everyone is flawed - not one human being on this earth is perfect. Is the problem a simple fault or bad habit OR is it a serious character problem?
As human beings we can influence one another regarding personal decisions to change. Only that individual can actually change self but some changes take more than our own ability. It may take divine intervention to help us change.
I am aware of my own imperfections and bad habits and I alone am responsible for changing them. My own personal goal is to become a better person.
If I have learned anything in this life from my past mistakes and relationships, it is that people cannot spend their lives trying to fix other people when there is so much personal work needing done on ourselves.
I finally realized one day that I had wasted too much time, emotion and energy on trying to fix the people in my life or trying to understand why they are the way they are.
If they see something in me that they admire and want to incorporate into their own life then I have influenced them for the better. They may ask for advice or wisdom to help make that change.
If we see something good and admiral in someone else’s life then tell them before its too late and you have only regrets for things unsaid.
The most important thing you can do is to tell the people you love how much they mean to you and do it now! Tomorrow may be too late.
The second most important thing is acceptance and unconditional love toward others -- it is the only way you can live at peace with yourself and the rest of the world. It is following the heart of God and his commandment "to love one another."
It all starts through forgiveness.
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